The Second ‘Big Conversation’ at Gunnersbury, 1 February 2020

The subject is climate change and what can be done at Gunnersbury.

David Bowler, chief executive, has described the event as follows: “As a park which hosts more than a million visits a year, we want to work with our community and our wider stakeholders to take collective action. I hope our Big Conversation will be the start of that move to work together to tackle the most important challenge facing us today. Gunnersbury is already committed to collecting dry recyclables across the Park and is exploring installing water meters and working to improve public transport.”

The event will run from 12 noon to 3pm.

12 noon Tea and Coffee in Long Gallery
12.30 General introduction and presentation by RootnBranch, consultants/advisers on Gunnersbury’s proposed climate change strategy
12.45 Break away groups to discuss climate change strategy key points
1.30 Tea and Coffee in Long Gallery
1.45 Feedback from groups
2.30/2.45 AOB
3.00 End of Session

Read the report of the First Big Conversation, held in July 2019, here