New Gunnersbury Trustees, March 2023

The long process of revising the governance of Gunnersbury has finally begun to bear fruit. The recruitment of a new Chair and trustees for the Development Trust, which now over sees the CIC, has been completed and they have been announced on the Gunnersbury website.

From left they are Ian Hutchinson, James Knowles (chair), Rebecca Ball, Sacha Rathore, Kevin Mahoney, Stephanie Domine, Hiren Dhimar, Howard Simmons. Joanna McKelvey and two council nominees (Cllr Yvonne Johnson for Ealing and Cllr Salman Shaheen for Hounslow) are not in the photo.

This is how they have described themslves:

Chair – Professor James Knowles has recently been appointed as Vice-Chancellor of Solent University, Southampton;

Sacha Rathore works as Public Health Officer for Hounslow Council;

Howard Simmons has worked in the private, public and voluntary sectors in roles from grass roots community work to strategic management and at Board level;

Rebecca Ball is a project manager for the Natural History Museum, responsible for project managing the Dippy Tour;

Hiren Dhimar is a Deputy Director, Programme Delivery (CGDU) for the Department for Culture, Media and Sport and was on the Birmingham 2022 Organising Committee;

Joanna McKelvey is Head of Procurement & Contract Management for the Royal Botanic Gardens;

Stephanie Dominy works at Snyk Limited and is an experienced legal and business leader with a record of building effective and diverse teams;

Cllr Yvonne Johnson is a Labour councillor for South Acton;

Cllr Salman Shaheen is a Labour councillor and Cabinet Member for Parking, Parks & Leisure on Hounslow Council;

Kevin Mahoney is a chartered Surveyor with over 30 years experience of commercial development and asset management across Europe, and

Ian Hutchinson is a senior director with extensive strategic and operational experience in all aspects of media