More on Go Ape – the CIC’s survey and public meetings

Ealing Council’s Consultation pages has this notice:

Gunnersbury Park – Go Ape high wire course consultation
This consultation will be open until 1 September 2018.

The consultation
The Gunnersbury (2026) Community Interest Company (CIC), who manage Gunnersbury Park, are seeking the views of residents and park users on having a Go Ape high wire course in Gunnersbury Park.

Your views
The CIC would like to understand your views before making a final decision. Please complete a short survey to submit your views.

Drop in event
You are also invited to attend an on-site open event at Gunnersbury Park to have the opportunity to ask any questions about the proposal. This event will take place between 12pm – 6pm on 31 August 2018 and between 9am – 3pm on 1 September 2018.

What happens next?
Once all the consultation responses have been collated the results will be used to influence the CIC’s decision about the inclusion of the offer in Gunnersbury. Depending on the outcome the proposal may then go forward to the statutory consultation stage, planning and construction stages.

Further information
For more information about Go Ape please visit