Gunnersbury Park Trees

The Friends have recently received this note from John Laing Integrated Services, the company ultimately responsible for the landscape at Gunnersbury. It is a very informative note and so we are reproducing it and its attachments in full.

“As part of an ongoing arboricultural survey, the trees in Gunnersbury Park were recently inspected by Continental Landscapes working on behalf of the council’s main contractors John Laing Integrated Services. A team of arboriculturalists inspected 2,492 trees and 74 groups of trees in the park. The survey has identified 58 which require removal as a matter of urgency as they were found to have significant levels of rot and decay, creating a hazard to residents and users of the park. This represents 2% of the trees in the park.

The London Borough of Hounslow has considered ways it could manage these trees, however due to the level of decay the council has been left with no option but to recommend the trees be felled as quickly as possible to reduce the risk of potential accidents. The London Borough of Hounslow have submitted an Apps1 form (Application for tree works: works to trees subject to a tree preservation order (TPO and/or notification on proposed works to trees in a conservation area.) to act as a section 211 notice (Town and Country Planning Act 1990). The tree works proposed in the Gunnersbury Park Conservation Area are to mitigate the risk from dead, dying or dangerous trees, as such this Apps1 form is by way of informing the Local Planning Authority that the we will carry out works.

Following the advice of the “Blue Book – Tree Preservation Orders: A Guide to the Law and Good Practice we are giving the Local Planning Authority five days’ notice before we start work.

Notices will be placed upon the trees to be felled and also around the Park. Work will be begin on 22 June 2010 and is likely to take a period of six to eight weeks to complete.

Once the felling has been undertaken the tree stumps will be removed over the following days. We will ensure that work is undertaken in a safe and controlled way to minimise the impact on the Park and its facilities.

In addition there are 213 trees that require remedial works, 8% of the tree population in the park. I have attached a PDF with maps of Gunnersbury Park that identifies the location of the trees that require works and a word document that is the schedule of the urgent and high priority works. The numbered trees on the map can be cross reference to the schedule to provide information about the tree and the works to be undertaken.

In addition, JLIS are informing the local community of our actions and reasons by:
1. Conducting a letter drop to residents adjoining the park – the letter is attached and is being distributed this evening along with a smaller scale map
2. Displaying information about the works in the park, the museum and café. We will be putting up posters next week.
4. The JLIS Contact Centre have been informed should we receive any calls
5. Communicating with community groups.

If you would like the opportunity to meet to discuss the proposed works, have any concerns or questions please contact John Laing Integrated Services on 0845 456 2796 or email”

James Wisdom
20 June 2010