Consultation shows large majority in favour of restoration


The report published today shows that there were 4,304 responses to the Consultation. The proposals for the Large Mansion, Small Mansion, Stables, Landscape and Sports were agreed or strongly agreed by between 61% and 79% of the respondents.

The proposals to fund in part by building on the strip of land beside Lionel Road North was supported by 49.8%, with 40.8% opposed and 10% neutral.

The response to the question about alternatives (continue with the minimum or fund by housing development) saw 60% in favour of development, 25% against and 15% not replying.

There is a detailed section in the report of analysis of written-in comments. Although more than half the respondents did add a comment, the totals for each idea or suggestion are usually quite small. For example, 67 people thought the plans should be scaled down or phased, 51 thought Ealing should spend its Council Tax repayment on the park, 65 thought it was a biased survey with a hidden agenda, 51 wanted restrictions on any subsequent sale (and 14 questioned why Scottish consultants were used). 66 did not want any trees cut down. The largest write-in was to keep the pitch and putt (243) and to ask for restoration of the boats (84), and there were requests for a new café (69) and better toilets (66).

The main conclusion we can draw from the Consultation is that the public are urging the politicians to get on and restore Gunnersbury, even at the cost of having to sell some land.

The full report can be read in the Gunnersbury Park Joint Advisory Panel agenda papers for its open meeting on 30th November. This link should take you directly to it –


James Wisdom, 24th November 2009