We keep up to date with activities in 4,000 or so London Parks via the newsletter of www.goparks.London. They recently told us of free bulbs offered by the Metropolitan Public Gardens Association, working with Taylors Bulbs of Spalding. This year’s offer is for a ‘Lucky Dip’ package of about 400 bulbs of four or five different varieties.
With the help of Spencer Lewis of the CIC garden team we rapidly put together and submitted a joint bid from the Friends and the CIC which has been successful – we are absolutely delighted! The free bulbs have arrived and we have already emailed our members to ask for volunteers to help with the planting – this is an extra reminder to Friends to contact Spencer Lewis on lewiss@visitgunnersbury.org if you would like to join in.
The bulbs will be planted around the south-west entrance to the Park beside the A4/M4. It has the Victorian gate-house, fantastic mature trees and shrubs, and some grass borders. About 1,000 new apartments are due to be built near there in the next few years and this will become a very busy entrance for the new residents. The area does look past its prime though native shrubs have recently been planted to create an under-storey in the woodland.
Bulbs in this corner of the Park, near the entrance, will upgrade the area, providing a splash of colour which will provide an attractive and welcoming surprise for park users in the spring.