- Stables to be sold for office development but hostile public meeting, GPJC decides not to sell
- Friends set up, subscription £1
- Newsletter launched with ideas for the future of the Stables
- Friends urge GPJC to devise plan for whole Park, generating income to support it
- Newsletter carries ideas from NE London Poly Architecture students
- First AGM in May
- Permission for small temporary riding scheme in Stables during summer
- Jumble sales and Friends’ first fete
- Friends purchase donations box for Museum
- GPJC working party considers future use of Gunnersbury – full report includes idea of restaurant/hotel in Small Mansion but strongly rejected by councillors
- Architectural competition suggested, ideas sought for Orangery
- Friends become a charity (regd no 286310)
- Friends’ Kitchen restoration begins – work in progress shown at 4 open weekends
- 2nd AGM considers GPJC working party report in detail – felt it had wasted a year
- £450 from fete proceeds pays for 3 large notice-boards for the Park
- Friends seek specialist advice on feasibility of restaurant/hotel in Small Mansion to support restoration elsewhere
- More commercial riding school installed in Stables
- Grant of £30,000 obtained towards work on Stables for museum use
- Vandalism in Park needs £13,000 extra but LB Ealing will not contribute
- More work on kitchens and Victorian “fridge” from another Rothschild house acquired – 2,800 visitors in summer
- Friends pay £400 to help turn board room into exhibition gallery for Museum
- Friends donate £300-worth of walkie-talkies donated to help Park staff combat vandalism
- 3rd fete, tours of nurseries organised
- £30,000 grant lost through GPJC bungling
- Friends seek ideas for empty Small Mansion
- Problems with night fishing in Potomac Lake
- GPJC appeals to GLC for funding and closes down riding school
- Friends create new trading company and take over Park catering for 3 years
- Both cafés redecorated, function business begins in Temple, Small Mansion
- GPJC thinks horses on Park bridle path will scare visitors but agrees to advertise for new riding school operator
- Lease offered on Small Mansion ground floor – GPJC decides in secret on Art Centre, without public consultation
- Fete in very wet and windy weather
- First summer kids’ activities in Kitchens
- Friends’ subscription rises to £3
- Riding school tenancy fails so community riding school operates again
- New tenants take over riding school
- Detailed cost (£471,400) of essential refurbish-ment work not funded by GPJC
- Victorian kitchens open in summer months, staffed by Friends
- Friends redecorate Temple interior, saving GPJC £1,000
- Fishing club takes over management of the Potomac Lake
- More walkie-talkies worth £950 donated for use of Park staff
- Ron Bartholomew proposal for rock concert in Park rejected
- Ron Bartholomew proposes rock concert again, seeks 3 year monopoly, Friends oppose it, GPJC turns him down
- Successful Carter’s Steam Fair weekend in Park, alongside our fete
- GPJC agrees Stables should be craft centre
- Friends work with NACRO on Kitchens
- autumn hurricane causes loss of 50 trees
- Friends raise £1,100 to sponsor new trees
- Crafts Centre proposal collapses
- Friends contract to run café ends but their excellent manager takes it over
- Friends donate £300 to support pooper-scooper dog bins scheme at Gunnersbury
- Orangery restoration by developer of Fiat site on Great West Road begins
- Carters Steam Fair returns again
- GPJC considers new Stables proposals (auction rooms, restaurant and offices) each with space for museum carriages; favours offices because it brings most benefits with space for carriages, staff funding for museum, restoration of Japanese garden
- Developer botches Orangery restoration – has to replace windows
- Friends donate £900 from filming in the cafe for more notice-boards and signage
- Ealing and Hounslow councillors on GPJC split on office proposals – arbitrator appointed
- Serious dry rot – much of museum closed for major works
- Friends issue fund-raising postcard
- Christmas Cracker event held
- Museum re-opens
- Stables dispute continues after elections – new councillors confused
- GPJC rejects proposal to make the Park a conservation area
- Cultural Co-operation’s Papua New Guinea music village in park a huge success
- Hounslow refuses to accept arbitration, Planning Brief for Stables drawn up, Hounslow behaves as if Ealing has nothing to do with Gunnersbury – will Ealing walk away?
- Friends fund museum postcards
- Museum obtains £20,000 grant to convert former board room into Costume Gallery
- Children die in Potomac, falling through ice
- Friends sponsor Small Mansion exhibition by Hounslow Borough College students
- Friends run music in the Orangery
- Friends donate £400 from concert to bring Anne Frank exhibition to Gunnersbury
- GPJC offers Gunnersbury to National Trust – which rejects it
- Survey shows £2.5m needs to be spent on the two Mansions
- Nursery to be let on commercial lease as no longer needed after competitive tendering of Parks service
- Both councils cut £31,000 from annual budget
- Friends employ fund-raising consultant
- Catering contractor leaving, says Hounslow bureaucracy a nightmare, risks his business
- Friends pay £252 for hand basin in ladies loo
- Poores of Acton fund work on Large Mansion conservatory
- Friends give £400 towards new Park guide
- More vandalism especially Bath-House, Potomac Tower
- Park worker backs vehicle into what remained of East Lodge
- North lodge becomes Rangers’ HQ
- Another Christmas Cracker
- GPJC applies to Lands Tribunal to vary covenants to lease nursery to Greenscene
- Objections from local residents over-ruled
- Friends given £100 for conservatory, plus large plant pots and plants
- Monthly bric a brac sales raise funds
- Victorian Gala – run by museum, Friends support
- Friends help with specialist cleaning of stone stairs in Large Mansion
- Rothschilds at Gunnersbury published, funded by Friends and local history societies
- Volunteers caring for conservatory plants
- Jazz in the Park – we sponsor two shows
- Stables and Bath-house cocooned with scaffolding – English Heritage threaten formal repairs notice, will not provide any funds without coherent plan for whole park
- Gunnersbury Gala – Friends sponsor jazz again
- Temple Trust set up, based in Temple, with small exhibitions
- Another Christmas Cracker held
- Working party planning future (reps from EH, LBH, LBE, Friends), commissions surveys and historical research – consultation at AGM
- Working Party report, Gunnersbury Park in the 21st Century, completed
- Friends help run Gunnersbury Gala, VE Day theme
- Commemorative seats installed
- Friends volunteers help plant 10,000 daffodils/7,000 bluebells on Lionel Rd side
- Development Plan completed – HLF bid in preparation
- Capel Manor College opens branch at Gunnersbury
- Small Mansion Arts centre financial crisis, nearly closes
- Friends run successful Fete
- Park Lottery bid submitted
- Events for 70th anniversary of Park opening
- Friends begin to fund a Capel Manor student prize
- Capel Manor develops glasshouse training unit and floristry room
- Consultants advise on HLF museum bid
- Gunnersbury Gala & Friends Fete held
- Gunnersbury Park in the 1920s published
- New Potomac fishing lease – upgrading of banks, planting of waterlilies, reeds etc
- Museum HLF consultation reveals support for new local history gallery, transport gallery, opening more of servants’ wing
- Joint trip to Waddesdon & Tring with B&CLHS
- First phase of Park HLF funding granted
- Friends donate £250 to buy replica foods to dress the Kitchens
- HLF work begins: playground replaced, lamp standards restored/replicas made, Bath-House archaeology, drive resurfaced
- 2 councillors resign from GPJC in protest at proposed charged-for kitchens attraction
- Friends give £470 for bench seats, etc, for school lunches in conservatory
- Friends give £75 for Kitchen clock and coals
- HLF advises Museum to produce smaller and less grandiose application
- More Friends bulb planting
- New park and golf course contracts agreed
- CIP takes on management of Park and Museum
- Friends commission landscape architect to advise on a Gunnersbury arboretum
- Park information panels installed with Friends assistance on research and writing
- Award from Poetry Society for Poetry Board in Park
- Classical concerts
- Friends support group planning Japanese Gardens restoration scheme
- First classical concerts
- Italian Garden restoration (HLF) begins
- Museum exhibition tours and Roman handling session for Friends
- Special briefing for GPJC and CIP trustees, lunch from Friends
- Friends give £360 to help purchase of Dennis Morris photos of Southall
- Celebration of completed HLF-funded work
- Fund-raising concert for Japanese Gardens
- Japan Day or Matsuri, major international event, Buddhist ground-breaking ceremony for restoration of Japanese Gardens
- Open House, Large Mansion tours Friends staff Bath-House
- New Friends’ events programme of talks
- Museum takes over vacant flats in Large Mansion for storage and work space
- Park listed Grade 2*
- First part of CIP feasibility study on Japanese Gardens completed, Japanese garden designer visits and advises
- Queen visits Gunnersbury for Jubilee party
- Gifts to Friends: £300 in memory of Vince Culling, cyclist, £150 from Brentham Society and £1,500 when Southfield Community Association wound up
- Playstation event proposed, GPJC rejects it for both 2002 and 2003
- Serious proposals sought for Stables – again
- New staff structure, Curator to run Park as well
- Open House Day – Friends staff Bath-House and Temple
- Impact of cabinet government in two boroughs – GPJC now has no power
- Golf course hut and farm changing rooms severely damaged by fire
- Secrecy over Stables proposals until October – Royal College of Art was preferred bidder but withdraws
- New Capel Manor Rothschild Centre opened
- Classical concert and first London Mela – great successes
- London Open House – Friends staff Bath-House again
- Museum/Park Manager refuses to submit Japanese Garden HLF bid – Friends return all the donations
- Friends talks programme continues, and Christ-mas fund-raiser in Bath-House
- North Lodge closed
- Proposal for Butterfly House to come to Gunnersbury approved
- Bulb planting again
- Both councils cut contribution to budget – £155,000 less
- Friends obtain grant of £16,000 to install public toilets in the museum
- Friends fund purchase of 1914 Brentford FC souvenir for collection
- Classical Concert and second Mela successful
- Common Ground Anglo-Sikh festival in park to launch new heritage trail
- Open House – we staff Bath-House again
- Inappropriate steps installed to Bath house
- Boating comes to an end – no operator found
- 9 of 21 buildings at risk on EH list in LB Hounslow are at Gunnersbury
- Preparing conservation plan will cost £70k
- Slow progress on farm dressing rooms – 2 years after fire nothing done
- Museum opening hours simplified
- Dance music festival proposal rejected
- Third Mela successful
- Arts Centre bid for more space rejected and served notice to quit by March 2006
- CIP Review suggests strengthening LB Hounslow monitoring
- EH/HLF Mansions in Parks report considers 10 London parks – G Park has 2 of the problem mansions
- Planning permission for Butterfly House agreed then called in – project fails
- Bath House vandalised twice
- Consultants reports advise creation of new body to take over Gunnersbury Estate
- Friends donate £320 to buy beam alarm system to protect carriages
- Work experience gardening project for autistic students, Friends fund plants etc
- Museum/Park manager leaves, post not filled
- Another staff restructuring planned by new Head of Culture and Heritage
- Small Mansion Arts Centre lease ends but proposed short-term scheme with TVU fails
- Special discussion day for GPJC to consider future – agrees new organisation essential but then GPJC decides not to wind itself up
- Both boroughs go Conservative at election
- CIP licensing application a shambles, causes opposition
- Fourth Mela successful
- Friends AGM marks 25 years with special cake
- Mrs Meyers donates £135 for new plants
- Head of Culture and Heritage leaves, post cut
- CIP begins bidding for renewal of contract
- Preparation of Conservation Management Plan begins, Friends’ Chairman on steering group
- Old fruit trees lost in storm
- Donations of over £100 made in memory of Friend Mrs Olga Hodson
- Friends volunteers paint children’s play equip-ment near cafe
- Lead stolen from Large Mansion and bath-house roofs
- GPJC wound up, new Regeneration Board of 6 councillors instead but meetings/minutes no longer public, no Friends’ observers
- Director of Development post advertised – will manage long-term planning and fund-raising for Gunnersbury with Regeneration Board
- Richard Gill takes up post of Director of Development in late February
- Consultation on Conservation Management Plan completed, Plan adopted
- John Laing and Fusion take on new Leisure contract in place of CIP
- Jura Consultants preparing Options Appraisal
- Friends launch website with news updates and an archive of Newsletters back to 1981