Monthly Archives October 2013

At Gunnersbury’s Stables by Betty Winnett

from Voices of Ealing & Hounslow edited by Sue McAlpine, Tempus, 2000 In 1935 Dad was offered a job in Gunnersbury Park as a horse-keeper. There were several cylinder mowers, which the horses pulled, cutting all the fields. He was
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From Just Beyond London by Gordon S Maxwell

From Just Beyond London by Gordon S Maxwell, Methuen, 1927 Gordon Maxwell’s chapter, entitled A London Wonderland, described a day spent in Gunnersbury Park, shortly before it opened as a public park. These are short extracts. As I stood upon
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Bat Walk, Friday 6 Sept 2013

The outreach team have notified us of this unusual event this coming Friday: A bat expert will lead a walk in the Potomac Lake area of the park. This is a free event and no booking is necessary, just turn up at the park gate opposite Lionel Road Primary School. They ask that you wear warm clothing and sturdy shoes and bring a torch.
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Park consultation and Archaeology events

The Project Team led by Ealing and Hounslow Councils is seeking people’s views, worries and hopes for Gunnersbury Park and its buildings to inform future conservation of the park landscape and its buildings, and support the regeneration of the museum.
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Falcons School Rejects the Small Mansion

The Gunnersbury Park Joint Advisory Committee, at its meeting on Friday 7 June, learnt that AlphaPlus, the owners of the Falcons School, have withdrawn from discussions to take over the Small Mansion. The Committee also learnt that it had not
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Selling off the Small Mansion at Gunnersbury

The article which follows was first published in Friends Newsletter no 94 (available in full under News on this website). It draws upon publicly available information from internet searches and from the websites of LBs Ealing and Hounslow: On 25
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Faith in Suburbia, museum exhibition until 30 June 2013

A new exhibition has opened at Gunnersbury Park Museum. Called Faith in Suburbia: a shared photographic journey, it was created at University College London and had its first showing there. The exhibition is the outcome of a remarkable collaboration between
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